This episode went a long way toward making fans like him rather than hating him for hurting Hinata so badly. Neji’s injuries were so severe that fans thought he might not make it through the mission, but they didn’t have to worry about losing him just yet.

When his enemy launched an arrow at him, Neji allowed it to pierce him, then sent his chakra traveling back along the arrow and its string to paralyze his opponent. Though nearly outmatched, Neji found a way to use an injury to his advantage. In “Losing Is Not An Option,” Neji faced off against one of the Sound Four on his own. I went over all of the original Naruto animes filler arcs and episodes. On the outskirts of town, Naruto encounters a young girl drawing a strange picture. Heres every Naruto Shippuden filler episode you can skip, according to Reddit. Kurenais Decision: Squad 8 Left Behind 23m. This particular chapter spotlighted Neji’s part in the battle. In this recap episode, hosts Naruto and Sakura revisit five epic battles, interview fellow ninjas and welcome a surprise special guest. There was something so satisfying about seeing so many of the young characters take on such a brutal mission - and live to tell the tale. The reason the "Sasuke Recovery Mission" arc is one of the fan-favorite arcs of the anime is because each episode was able to highlight another character in the large group.