To make it easier to get started, the guide focuses on a reference containerized and microservice-based application that you can explore. It discusses architectural design and implementation approaches using.

This guide is an introduction to developing microservices-based applications and managing them using containers. Refer changelog for the book updates and community contributions.

I am quite interested in this topic but as you read you will find that there are others that are more knowledgeable.EDITION v7.0 - Updated to ASP.NET Core 7.0 You may be able to turn off layer displays that are not needed to speed things up. If most of your slowdown is from Symbols it may just taxing your video card and not the CPU so you may want to also monitor that. One thing tech told me recently on a big but not anything as large as your file was when working with a 3D view open turn off Auto Rebuild Walls/Floors/Ceilings and just manually rebuild with F12 only when necessary because I was getting 5-6 minute rebuild times. You will want to search and read as many threads as you can find on the subject of Speed and Performance and keep us informed of your progress. So if you are only able to use a small portion of your system to run Chief that is why you need all the horsepower you can get. I have often pushed the software into a non responsive situation while it is only using about 17-18% of my CPU. X9 made some major improvements but I think you will be surprised how little of your system is actually being utilized. You may find that it will be quite interesting to open Task Manager while you are working and just see how efficiently Chief is using your system resources. I am not sure it there really is a limit and you may have already proven that by how far you have pushed it with your system. Have I overloaded the Chief Library / Software? If so, should I purge all unused objects until they are needed in order to improve performance? Is there something else that I can do?Ħ4 GB 3200mhz Quad Channel Ram Corsair Dominator Just about every operation (in Chief) is very slow and bogged down-I can still use the rest of my computer fine. As of right now it feels like I am using a POS computer, and I am most definitely not ( (see specs below).

My file size is currently just over 3 GB and growing - which is something my system can handle. On some of the more complex and larger ones it took about 20-30 minutes to get the object to load into Chief. Some of the objects can get very complex-such as entire Coffee shops, large 3d wall panels, large furniture groupings, and complex medical equipment. A majority of the objects are 2017 Sketchup (.skp) files from 3D Warehouse. I recently imported over 375 3rd party 3D objects in order to accommodated the design requirements of the project. I am working on a 90k square foot remodeling project for Veterans' and up until this point I have had zero issues or lag from my hardware or the Chief Software.